1. The typical igniting time of square rectangular tube is 60 seconds. If the ignition period is too short, the solid fuel on the surface will not be properly ignited, and drawing down the fuel belt on the surface of the square tube will be problematic, affecting normal sintering.
2. The sintering exhaust negative pressure of square rectangular tube is 50-60% of the typical ignition negative pressure. The value of the negative pressure of the sintering draft can be used to control the operation of the granulation and distribution process in production, allowing the degree of granulation of the mixture and the air permeability of the material layer to be assessed.
3. The usual ignition temperature of square rectangular tube is between 1050 and 1150°C. If the ignition temperature is too low, the solid fuel on the surface of the square tube will be difficult to ignite, and the surface will become semi-molten after ignition.
4. It should be noted that a good ignition produces the best sintering ignition, specifically: the temperature distribution of the ignition surface of the entire trolley is uniform, the ignition high-temperature combustion products enter the material layer smoothly, and there is no reflection phenomenon. After the trolley has passed through the igniter, The red surface fades quickly, and the surface material surface is blue or blue-black and not under-fused or crusted.
5. The sintering ignition negative pressure is generally classified into four states: low negative pressure, too low negative pressure, medium negative pressure, and high negative pressure. The low negative pressure ignition effect is the best among them, and the other three states will influence sintering output and power consumption. The high negative pressure ignition effect has the greatest influence on the square rectangular tube.