1. Basic inspection
The fundamental inspection is the process of checking the angle level of the steel power angle tower, anchor bolts, nuts, etc. The basic inspection primarily verifies the angle steel tower's fundamental information. Basic inspection data information must be quickly collected, compared to historical data, and evaluated. The overall characteristics must also be examined. If any problems are discovered, they must be fixed right away, and any problematic components must be replaced on a regular basis.
2. Recognizing perpendicularity
The vertical angle of the steel tower's power angle is another important index value for inspection in addition to the fundamental examination. Following the inspection, the information must be documented and contrasted with earlier records. The electric angle steel tower's vertical angle must adhere to the rules. It is vital to identify the source of the error if it does not comply with the pertinent requirements. Put out clear justifications for your proposed realistic improvement steps, and carry out the necessary rectification work within the allotted period.
3. Verification of manufactured parts
There are several prefabricated components that make up the electric angle steel tower. Regular inspection of the prefabricated components is also crucial. Checking the quality of the prefabricated parts of the angle steel tower is necessary. It should be replaced on a regular basis if there are any evident signs of deformation, damage, corrosion, or unqualified components. It's also important to check for cracking or dryness where the prefabricated parts meet the tower section. In particular, lightning protection grounding and the bow should be inspected carefully because they can provide safety risks.
Electric angle steel towers require regular maintenance and inspection much like autos do. The daily maintenance of angle steel towers includes basic inspection, verticality inspection, and prefabricated component inspection. The construction of an angle steel tower is a significant undertaking, and the project budget is significant as well. In addition to ensuring the power angle steel tower's quality, which can be controlled to some extent, timely maintenance work is also required if you want to construct a cost-effective power angle steel tower. lengthen the angle steel tower's useful life.